Commercial Insurance Basics Ohio Business Owners Should Note

Capretta Insurance Agency serves the Parma, OH community and surrounding areas. We strive to help our clients find policies that cover them while they navigate life’s risks. We recognize that every client has unique needs. We offer custom policies so that our clients are protected in any situation.

Commercial Insurance Basics

The Parma, OH community thrives based on the success of small businesses. As a business owner in the community, you have to juggle several tasks at once. Things can be overwhelming. Commercial insurance offers a safety net. All of your property is covered if something happens. Perhaps your inventory is stolen, or your property is damaged in a fire. Property insurance will help you repair and replace the lost items. If your property is damaged in a fire, you can add business interruption coverage, which allows your business to continue functioning while the repairs to your building are made.

Liability coverage is important as well. Liability coverage protects your business if one of your customers suffers an injury while on the premises. You are also protected if a customer alleges that your products caused them harm. Consider adding professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance covers your business if one of your employees makes a serious error while performing a task. Workers’ compensation is important. You rely on your employees to help your business thrive at the highest level. Worker’s compensation covers you if there is an injury in the workplace. The policy covers your employee’s treatment and rehabilitation, and you protect your business from potential legal action. Having a strong worker’s compensation policy can help you attract some top talent on the market.

Capretta Insurance Agency Will Help You Cover Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about commercial insurance.