Life insurance FAQs

At Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH, we are independent insurance agents and since we work for our customers, we work hard to make sure you have as much knowledge and as many choices as possible. Life insurance isn’t as straightforward as other types of insurance and needs to be personalized to what your dependents will need if you aren’t there to support them. 

Why should I get term life insurance?

Term life insurance allows you to buy a large amount of life insurance at an affordable rate. What you are paying for is the death benefit. There is no cash value at the end of your term. It is a practical option when you have young children and want to make sure they will be provided for. 

Do you need life insurance if you get some as a benefit from your employer?

Yes, you need your own insurance in addition to what you get from work. Think of that as frosting on your cake. But you need your own insurance just in case you change employment, your employer closes their business or your job is acquired by a new company. You need to be able to control your own life insurance. 

How much life insurance do I need?

Every person’s needs are different. You need to take your income into consideration, how young your dependents are, and for how long you will need to provide for them. Once you come up with a figure, your insurance agent can help you to get the best deal on the coverage you need. 

Can my life insurance policy be canceled?

Yes, it can, if it is discovered that you lied on your application or if you fail to make your premium payments, your life insurance can be canceled. 

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH to discuss your life insurance needs.