How Does Commercial Insurance Help My Business?

Commercial insurance is a way to save a company during unexpected events that can cause financial devastation. Businesses may face three primary problems: natural disasters, litigation, and accidents. In Parma, OH and all across the country, companies need protection that can help keep them in operation. Commercial insurance is a positive way to assist when any of the three most common problems arise.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

Hurricanes, tornados, fires, floods, and other of nature’s infamous furies can destroy the facilities of a business at any moment. Commercial insurance is there to help rebuild in times of nature taking direct hits on a company’s location. No one can predict the extent of the damage or if damages will occur, so it is always best to have commercial insurance as a Plan B. 

Assisting In Times of Litigation

Businesses are prone to lawsuits. In a world where people sue for almost anything, it is a good idea to have the coverage to pay if the company loses in a litigation dispute. Many companies can close their doors when hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars have to go to paying a lawsuit claim. Paying the premiums is much more feasible than a suit filed against the company. 

Payments for Accidents

Many states require businesses to have Workers’ Compensation as it pays for partially lost wages of the worker and all of their medical bills to help them get back to work. The company is responsible for the safety of its workers, and they are covered through this insurance paid by the employer.   

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency Today!

Here at Capretta Insurance Agency, we can assist you with your business getting commercial insurance in Parma, OH and the surrounding areas. Contact us today!