Making your home a safer place

Protecting your home from dangers inside and out is an important part of homeownership. Many hazards can be averted with just a few adjustments that can make your home a safer place. At Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH we are independent agents who work for our customers, not just one carrier. We can offer you more options and better value. 

Protecting Your Home


Fire is one of the many dangers to your home. One of the most important things you can do to protect your home is to make sure you have smoke detectors on every level of your home and that they are operational.  Getting your furnace and chimney cleaned every year is also important for fire prevention. Don’t leave candles burning when you are out of the room or overnight. 


Falls kill a lot of people every year.  Most of them are avoidable. Use common sense when doing repairs that require a ladder. Always have a spotter with you in the event you get wobbly. Check the lighting in your house. You need to make sure that places you walk at night are well-lit. Remove clutters from halls and stairs. Make sure that stairs have useable handrails and use them. 


Keep the medication out of the reach of children, pets, and anyone who may have memory issues. They should be placed safely out of sight. 


Many products that you use regularly are not safe for children and pets. The warning is right on the packaging if you take the time to read it. If you have small children, cupboard locks are a must and in the garage place things on a high shelf, not on the floor. Even in the laundry room, poison can be an issue. 

Get Insurance Coverage

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH to talk about your home insurance needs.