Life Insurance for Kids: Is It Necessary?

Life insurance for kids can sometimes feel like a sensitive topic. Here at Capretta Insurance Agency, serving Parma, OH, and the surrounding areas, we want to help parents make well-informed decisions about all types of insurance coverage, including life insurance policies for children. Let’s look at a few things you should know about this important type of coverage.

Do I Need Life Insurance For My Kids?

Purchasing a life insurance policy for your children is an intelligent way to provide a safety net for your family in the event of a death. The death of a family member can be a stressful, traumatic, and financially straining time. When there is a financial safety net in place for final expenses, it helps to relieve at least a little bit of that stress.

Are There Any Benefits to Purchasing Life Insurance for Minors?

There are benefits to investing in this type of policy. There are different benefits for different types of programs. It’s best to talk with an insurance representative about the benefits. The most significant benefit is that you won’t be put under extreme financial strain in the event of a death.

When Should Life Insurance Be Purchased?

Another important question is at what age should a parent purchase life insurance for a child? Life insurance policies can be taken out for children at any age, and for most children’s policies, no medical exam is required.

If you want to learn more about life insurance, please contact us at Capretta Insurance Agency, serving Parma, OH, and the surrounding areas. We are happy to answer your questions about this important type of coverage and other insurance products we offer.

Auto Insurance and Turning Your Vehicle into a Business: What You Need to Know

Transforming your vehicle into a business asset, such as employing it for ridesharing, delivery services, or other commercial purposes around Parma, OH, demands a comprehensive understanding of auto insurance implications. Standard policies often don’t provide adequate coverage for business use.

Personal vs. Commercial

Personal auto insurance merely safeguards vehicles that are for personal affairs and non-commercial purposes. Once you commence using your car for business reasons, such as the transportation of goods or offering ride-along passengers for a fee, your policy no longer covers accidents or damages incurred during these activities. Insurance providers deem business usage at a higher risk due to increased mileage and the nature of commercial driving.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is explicitly tailored for vehicles involved in business operations. This policy provides more expansive coverage, including liability, physical damage, medical payments, and uninsured motorist protection. It also encompasses employees who may operate the vehicle for business activities. For instance, if you’re using your car for delivery services, commercial auto insurance will shield you in case of an accident while on the job, which a personal policy might exclude.

Ridesharing Insurance

Ridesharing insurance is vital for those engaged in ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft. These services often provide coverage while you are logged into their app and actively transporting passengers. However, there may be gaps in coverage during periods when you’re waiting for a ride request. Ridesharing insurance can bridge these gaps, offering continuous protection whether you are en route to pick up passengers or waiting for a new fare.

Capretta Insurance Agency Is Here For You

Capretta Insurance Agency is available when you need insurance information. Our services are accessible in Parma, OH, and surrounding areas. Call today.

The Impact of Local Regulations on Commercial Insurance in Parma, OH

Parma, OH, has specific local laws that play a part in your commercial insurance needs. Zoning laws and requirements are just the beginning in getting the insurance you’ll need. At Capretta Insurance Agency, we aim to help you understand how it works.

Zoning Laws

Parma’s zoning laws tell you where businesses can operate and what companies are allowed to do. These laws affect:

  • Physical locations of businesses
  • The nature of their operations

For example, you can face higher premiums if your business is in a high-risk industrial zone. This is because of an increase in liability and possible property damage. A low-risk commercial zone will probably lead to lower premiums.

Licensing Requirements

Businesses in Parma have to follow specific licensing requirements that are different depending on the industry. These licenses make sure businesses comply with the following:

  • Health regulations
  • Safety standards
  • Operational procedures

Compliance with licensing requirements is critical to the overall well-being of any business. It affects insurance policies by demonstrating a business’s commitment to high standards. Doing so might reduce insurance premiums.

Industry-Specific Regulations

Some industries in Parma have stricter laws to follow. Some of these include:

  • Healthcare
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing

These rules often require certain types of insurance. For example, you must carry malpractice insurance if you’re a doctor. If you’re a builder, you’ll need construction insurance. Following and meeting these requirements helps businesses stay protected from industry-specific risks.

Parma’s local laws will affect the type of commercial insurance you need. Remember that insurance requirements affect everything from policy costs to coverage types as you search. Understanding and following these local laws helps reduce potential legal issues and is critical in managing operational risks. If you have any questions, contact us at Capretta Insurance Agency. We’re happy to help!

Residential Pond Liability Protection

Seek liability insurance protection for the new pond you plan to install on your residential land. The coverage will protect you in the event that you are sued because of an incident that is directly related to the pond.

Liability Protection

Residential liability insurance protects a property owner from unforeseen injuries and damage. This type of protection covers the pond year-round. Liability insurance covers individual injuries that occur in the pond or next to the body of water.

It will also protect against damage that occurs to another person’s property. For instance, liability protection may absorb the costs you are responsible for if your pond floods and damages a neighbor’s yard.

Project Details

Use the pond project details to determine how much liability insurance you need. Record the pond’s depth and width. Track the materials that will be used to construct the pond.

If you plan on housing any fish in the pond, details about what species will live there should be accounted for. This information should also be recorded if you plan on using the pond for fishing or another activity. All the project details can be submitted when you are ready to purchase liability protection.

Security Additions

Consider adding security materials around or in the pond. A wide range of security features could limit the risk of injury or damage. Fencing, cameras, and lighting could make your pond safe to use during the day or night.

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency

Reach out to one of our agents who represents Capretta Insurance Agency. An agent who serves the Parma, OH, region will help you choose a liability insurance policy for the new pond.

Why Retirees Need Life Insurance

Your children are grown, you and your spouse have retired, and you live a comfortable life in Parma, OH. Do you still need a life insurance policy? While you may not have as many concerns as you did when younger, having an appropriate life insurance policy in your golden years can make things easier and is a great way to protect those you love following your passing. Capretta Insurance Agency can show you how to make your life insurance policy affordable.

Points to Consider

One of the most significant reasons for a life insurance policy is that the proceeds will pay for your final expenses. This benefit can be especially valuable for relatives responsible for your funeral if they are cash-strapped. A life insurance death benefit can also be used to pay off car loans or other debt that you may have.

For most people, any employer-sponsored group life insurance policy will retire when you do. Purchasing a policy in retirement can help replace those benefits. However, you should buy a policy as soon as possible, as premiums will increase as you age and if you develop health issues. A private life insurance policy can also provide you access to income during retirement, depending on the terms. Some companies offer a living needs benefit through a special rider. The money you withdraw from the policy under these terms will reduce the death benefit.

Keeping Policy Costs Down

Getting a needs analysis is a sound first step in determining how much life insurance you need. For retirees on a fixed income worried about the cost, limiting the amount of the payment and the term can keep premiums in check. The professionals at Capretta Insurance Agency, serving Parma, OH, will listen to your needs and recommend an appropriate policy. Contact us today for an appointment.

Towing Add-Ons for Your Automotive Insurance Policy

If your personal vehicle is frequently used for towing, it might be worth considering additional towing coverage. These add-ons are optional coverages that can enhance your existing automobile insurance policy.

The Value of Add-Ons

Base insurance plans often fail to provide adequate protection while towing. Towing another vehicle or piece of equipment increases the risk of accidents. Ensuring you have ample coverage helps protect against any financial repercussions resulting from an unforeseen mishap. Such coverage could cover costs related to damage or theft.

What Do Insurance Add-Ons Cover?

Towing add-ons extend coverage to the components you use to tow a vehicle or machinery. This includes tow-bars, chains, and related towing package components. Additional coverage might also protect electrical lighting components used in towing.

Know Your Responsibilities

Before investing in add-ons, understand the different types of coverage available and how you plan to use your vehicle. Clearly articulate your towing requirements and ensure you know how to properly utilize towing materials. Communicate any changes in vehicle usage to your insurance provider to maintain appropriate coverage.

Reach Out For Additional Help

For more help, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our representatives at Capretta Insurance Agency. An agent serving Parma, OH, will guide you through your insurance add-on options and ensure you’re adequately protected for all your towing activities.

How Commercial Insurance Protects You from Advertising Injury Claims

Understanding Advertising Injury Coverage from Capretta Insurance Agency

As a business owner, you no doubt strive to advertise your products and services with utmost accuracy. However, there are instances where inadvertent lapses may occur – either you might unintentionally provide misleading information, or perhaps one of your employees outlays an incorrect statement. In such events, a customer might possibly file a claim against you for false advertising. This is where advertising injury coverage significantly minimizes your risk.

At Capretta Insurance Agency, we are committed to helping clients in Parma, OH, and nearby areas obtain comprehensive insurance coverage and safeguard their business interests. One key query many clients have: "Do I need advertising injury coverage?"

Relevance of Advertising Injury Coverage in Commercial Insurance

Advertising injury coverage, largely a component of your general liability insurance, can protect you against a series of claims, including:

  • Libel
  • Slander
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Claims related to stolen ideas
  • Copyright infringement
  • Other relevant advertising-related claims

Usually, your commercial liability coverage includes advertising injury coverage – however, it is wise to corroborate this during your policy review.

Caveats to Consider

Most policies have limitations – If you purposefully disseminate false information, the policy will not cover losses or claims. If you have legal claims that point to deliberate advertising fraud, you cannot resort to coverage.

Take Proactive Steps Today to Shield Your Business

As a business owner, securing comprehensive insurance that safeguards you against all potential risks and claims is crucial. Collaborate with an independent insurance agent to probe your commercial general liability insurance, ensuring it is robust and adequately meets your business needs.

If you are looking for an insurance partner to assist with your commercial insurance needs in Parma, OH, and the surrounding region, look no further! Call Capretta Insurance Agency today.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

When you’re renting an apartment, it’s important to have peace of mind that you can afford to recover from certain disasters and covered events. Unexpected things like fires and burglaries happen all the time, and you can’t be sure that you can be safe from these events.

Knowing that you have the protection of renters insurance can make life less stressful. Here’s what you need to know about renters insurance from Capretta Insurance Agency servicing Parma, OH.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Keeping in mind that policies vary, a typical renters insurance policy covers damage to your personal property in the event of a variety of unexpected events such as vandalism, theft, lightning, smoke, explosion or a windstorm. Renters insurance may cover your personal possessions up to a certain amount.

A policy will likely have coverage limits on individual items, with expensive items like jewelry needing special coverage to ensure protection. It’s important to pay attention to the coverage limits when getting a policy to ensure that your policy will cover what you need to be covered. 

Renters insurance can also offer personal liability coverage and medical payments to others if there’s bodily injury due to an occurrence. Finally, your policy may also pay for loss of use expenses, meaning if you have to stay in a hotel while waiting for your apartment to be repaired after a covered event, your policy may help with those expenses. 

How Can I Get Renters Insurance?

If you think that renters insurance is right for you, you can find out more about getting a renters insurance policy by calling Capretta Insurance Agency servicing Parma, OH. We’ll be happy to help you shop for a policy that fits in your budget and meets your needs. 

What Are the Types of Life Insurance?

There are different types of life insurance, and each has its own pros and cons. The two main types are whole life insurance and term life insurance. These two types are very different from each other, though they have some similarities. Both of these insurance types are there to pay out when you pass away to leave something behind for those who depend on you. When you’re in need of a life policy, call us at Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH.

Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance 

With this type, the coverage only stays good for a specific amount of time. The policy will be written so that it’s good for a certain number of years. During that time, the policy will be active and will pay out a death benefit to your beneficiaries. However, once that term is over, the policy is closed. You will no longer be insured by that policy. To stay covered by life insurance, you’ll need to apply for a new policy. This insurance type is popular because it comes with a much smaller price tag than the other type. 

Whole Life Insurance 

This type doesn’t have an expiration date associated with it. The policy you buy stays in effect while you’re making the payments. To keep the coverage, just keep making the payments. This type is more expensive than the other one, but it has its own benefits. One of these is that the policy builds a value that you can later borrow against. If you have a financial disaster, there will be money you can borrow to take care of it. 

Get Life Insurance 

If you aren’t sure which type of life insurance is right for you, you need to contact us at Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH to discuss which one would best fit your needs. 

When Your Tire Goes Flat On a Trip Out of State, Does Your Insurance Help You?

When you work with Capretta Insurance Agency, you can find high-quality insurance plans for your Parma, OH vehicles. For example, we can help you if your tire goes unexpectedly flat and you aren’t sure where to turn. Our team will make sure that you have the support you need to get your tire fixed.

Your Insurance Remains Valid 

Even if you travel beyond Parma and the Ohio border, your insurance is valid. Even with state-specific providers, your policy will help you. Insurance would be useless if you couldn’t use it outside of your state, and national law requires it to apply to every possible covered situation.

So, if you’ve traveled to Florida from Ohio or even further and got a flat tire, your insurance will help you. Even if the company helping you doesn’t take that insurance, you might still get compensated by filing a claim with them and providing evidence, such as your towing service receipt.

What Protection You Need

It’s critical to get roadside assistance protection if you plan on taking multiple big trips outside the state and are worried about getting a flat. Policies like these protect you by providing help when your tire goes flat. For example, if you suddenly lose air, roadside assistance will support you.

Just as importantly, great roadside assistance policies provide hands-on support with towing, repairs, and other help that you might need when getting a flat. It’s the kind of protection that stretches beyond state lines to provide you with the help you need to keep your car moving safely.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Insurance from Capretta Insurance Agency can help you stay safe when traveling far beyond Parma, OH to the great unknown beyond this great city. Even if you get a flat, your policy should provide you with help, especially if you have support from a roadside assistance policy plan.