Auto Insurance and Turning Your Vehicle into a Business: What You Need to Know

Transforming your vehicle into a business asset, such as employing it for ridesharing, delivery services, or other commercial purposes around Parma, OH, demands a comprehensive understanding of auto insurance implications. Standard policies often don’t provide adequate coverage for business use.

Personal vs. Commercial

Personal auto insurance merely safeguards vehicles that are for personal affairs and non-commercial purposes. Once you commence using your car for business reasons, such as the transportation of goods or offering ride-along passengers for a fee, your policy no longer covers accidents or damages incurred during these activities. Insurance providers deem business usage at a higher risk due to increased mileage and the nature of commercial driving.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is explicitly tailored for vehicles involved in business operations. This policy provides more expansive coverage, including liability, physical damage, medical payments, and uninsured motorist protection. It also encompasses employees who may operate the vehicle for business activities. For instance, if you’re using your car for delivery services, commercial auto insurance will shield you in case of an accident while on the job, which a personal policy might exclude.

Ridesharing Insurance

Ridesharing insurance is vital for those engaged in ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft. These services often provide coverage while you are logged into their app and actively transporting passengers. However, there may be gaps in coverage during periods when you’re waiting for a ride request. Ridesharing insurance can bridge these gaps, offering continuous protection whether you are en route to pick up passengers or waiting for a new fare.

Capretta Insurance Agency Is Here For You

Capretta Insurance Agency is available when you need insurance information. Our services are accessible in Parma, OH, and surrounding areas. Call today.

Towing Add-Ons for Your Automotive Insurance Policy

If your personal vehicle is frequently used for towing, it might be worth considering additional towing coverage. These add-ons are optional coverages that can enhance your existing automobile insurance policy.

The Value of Add-Ons

Base insurance plans often fail to provide adequate protection while towing. Towing another vehicle or piece of equipment increases the risk of accidents. Ensuring you have ample coverage helps protect against any financial repercussions resulting from an unforeseen mishap. Such coverage could cover costs related to damage or theft.

What Do Insurance Add-Ons Cover?

Towing add-ons extend coverage to the components you use to tow a vehicle or machinery. This includes tow-bars, chains, and related towing package components. Additional coverage might also protect electrical lighting components used in towing.

Know Your Responsibilities

Before investing in add-ons, understand the different types of coverage available and how you plan to use your vehicle. Clearly articulate your towing requirements and ensure you know how to properly utilize towing materials. Communicate any changes in vehicle usage to your insurance provider to maintain appropriate coverage.

Reach Out For Additional Help

For more help, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our representatives at Capretta Insurance Agency. An agent serving Parma, OH, will guide you through your insurance add-on options and ensure you’re adequately protected for all your towing activities.

When Your Tire Goes Flat On a Trip Out of State, Does Your Insurance Help You?

When you work with Capretta Insurance Agency, you can find high-quality insurance plans for your Parma, OH vehicles. For example, we can help you if your tire goes unexpectedly flat and you aren’t sure where to turn. Our team will make sure that you have the support you need to get your tire fixed.

Your Insurance Remains Valid 

Even if you travel beyond Parma and the Ohio border, your insurance is valid. Even with state-specific providers, your policy will help you. Insurance would be useless if you couldn’t use it outside of your state, and national law requires it to apply to every possible covered situation.

So, if you’ve traveled to Florida from Ohio or even further and got a flat tire, your insurance will help you. Even if the company helping you doesn’t take that insurance, you might still get compensated by filing a claim with them and providing evidence, such as your towing service receipt.

What Protection You Need

It’s critical to get roadside assistance protection if you plan on taking multiple big trips outside the state and are worried about getting a flat. Policies like these protect you by providing help when your tire goes flat. For example, if you suddenly lose air, roadside assistance will support you.

Just as importantly, great roadside assistance policies provide hands-on support with towing, repairs, and other help that you might need when getting a flat. It’s the kind of protection that stretches beyond state lines to provide you with the help you need to keep your car moving safely.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Insurance from Capretta Insurance Agency can help you stay safe when traveling far beyond Parma, OH to the great unknown beyond this great city. Even if you get a flat, your policy should provide you with help, especially if you have support from a roadside assistance policy plan.

Types of auto insurance coverage you can add to a basic policy

Basic auto insurance is usually just liability coverage. That is fine for some people but not for everyone. At Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH, we will help you to determine what type of auto coverage is right for you and what you should add to a basic policy. 

Auto Insurance Add-Ons


Collision coverage pays for repairs to your vehicle when you have been in an accident that you are responsible for. It also covers your vehicle if the damage is the result of a hit-and-run. A deductible must be paid for each accident. Your deductible is not a yearly figure. If your vehicle is totaled, you will be paid what the insurance company determines to be the value minus the deductible.


Comprehensive coverage is called noncollision coverage. It covers a variety of things that are not caused by a collision with another vehicle. It covers damage from weather events like hail, flood, high winds, fire, break-ins, and theft. Not, however, personal items stolen from your vehicle. Glass coverage is also included with comprehensive coverage. If you have full glass coverage, you are not required to pay the deductible. 

Rental car

Rental car coverage means that if your vehicle is damaged in an accident or by another event, other than a mechanical problem, you will be able to get a rental vehicle so that you are not without a vehicle for several days. 

Roadside service

Roadside service is exactly what it sounds like. In the event that you have a breakdown, a flat tire, or a vehicle that won’t start, you lock your keys in your car, you can call, and service will be provided to you to get you on your way. 

Reach Out To Us

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH for all your auto insurance needs. Give our office a call or contact us through our website. 

Four Types Of Auto Insurance Coverage You Should Have

When you’re looking at your options for auto insurance in Parma, OH, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of coverage. At Capretta Insurance Agency, we provide complete coverage for vehicle owners.

There are numerous types of coverage that you should include in your policy:

Liability Coverage

The most important type of auto insurance coverage to include in your policy is liability coverage. Liability insurance is mandated by law. It protects you from the costs of a lawsuit brought against you as a result of an automobile accident.

Collision Coverage

Liability coverage does not allow you to file a claim for repairs to your own vehicle following an accident.

Your policy must include collision coverage. Otherwise, you will have to pay for vehicle repairs out of pocket if they are not covered by the insurance policy of another motorist involved in the accident.

Comprehensive Coverage 

Comprehensive coverage compensates you for vehicle damage caused by causes other than a vehicle accident. Vandalism, animal collisions, and natural disasters are all covered under comprehensive coverage.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance

You can supplement your insurance by purchasing uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

This type of auto insurance provides you with additional coverage if you are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist. This type of coverage is essential because there are many uninsured drivers on the road.

Get Auto Insurance Today

Do you have questions about auto insurance coverage options in Parma, OH? We here at Capretta Insurance Agency have highly trained agents who are ready to help you find the right policy for your needs. Call today to learn about our auto insurance policy features. 

How to Correctly Remove Ice From Your Windshield Without Damaging the Windshield

Your auto insurance may cover the cost of replacing your windshield if your windshield cracks, chips or is damaged. Here at Capretta Insurance Agency, serving residents in the greater Parma, OH area, one of the reasons we see individuals filing these claims in the winter months is because they incorrectly remove ice from their windshield, cracking or damaging the windshield.

Here are a few tips that can help you remove ice from your windshield without causing damage:

Use a Plastic Ice Scraper

If you are looking to remove ice from your windshield, use a plastic ice scraper to gently scrape the ice away. Never use a metal scraper, as the metal can scratch and scrape the surface of your windshield, causing permanent damage. 

Spray Rubbing Alcohol and Water on the Windshield

Another way to remove ice from your windshield safely is to mix two parts rubbing alcohol with one-part room temperature water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the ice and let the rubbing alcohol go to work slowly but steadily defrosting your windshield and melting the ice. 

Wait for the Ice to Slowly Defrost

Lastly, simply get up a few minutes early, put your car in defrost mode, and wait for the ice to slowly melt away from your windshield as your car slowly heats up. It may take more time than other methods, but it is the best way to ensure you do not damage your windshield in the process of defrosting your car. 

Get Auto Insurance Coverage Today

Pouring hot water on your windshield can melt ice quickly, but it can also cause your windshield to crack or shatter. As such, you should use the tips above to help you remove ice from your windshield on icy mornings. If you are in the market for a new auto insurance policy, the agents at Capretta Insurance Agency, serving the greater Parma, OH area, would love to assist you. Obtain an estimate by calling or emailing us today. 

Will my auto insurance cover flood damage to my car?

Auto insurance can provide coverage for many situations. However, what’s covered depends on the type of auto insurance you have. If you have a car that’s damaged by a flood, it may be hard to determine what insurance will cover the damage, auto or flood. Our team at Capretta Insurance Agency is committed to educating Parma, OH residents about auto insurance coverage. We understand that knowing what’s covered by a particular insurance policy can be confusing. 

What Is The Next Step To Take After Flood Damage?

All drivers are required to carry auto liability insurance as a minimum requirement. However, auto liability insurance will only cover injury or damage to another person’s property or vehicle if you’re at fault. Auto liability insurance won’t cover your injuries or car damage. However, flood insurance won’t cover your flood-damaged car. Flood insurance covers damage to your property/home and belongings, not your vehicle. However, flood insurance will cover any personal items damaged while inside your car.

What Type of Auto Insurance Covers my Flood Damaged Car?

Comprehensive auto insurance is the only insurance that covers flood-damaged cars. Comprehensive insurance will replace or pay for damage not caused by a collision or non-moving violation. Comprehensive insurance covers theft, vandalism, fire, and even repairing your flood-damaged car. Comprehensive insurance will pay for the repair or replacement of your car in a flood, or if you drive through flood waters. Comprehensive coverage isn’t required. However, many drivers invest in comprehensive coverage to protect themselves from damage caused by non-moving violations.

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency Today

If you have questions about comprehensive insurance or auto insurance in Parma, OH and surrounding areas, give us a call. We’d be happy to answer your questions. 

Why basic auto insurance in Ohio isn’t always the best choice

Drivers in Ohio have to deal with the same issues as drivers all over the country. Crowded roads, angry drivers, and frustration with the amount of traffic. Luckily, there are many roads in the state where it is still a pleasure to drive. At Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH, we want to make it a pleasure to get your auto insurance coverage. We will do the hard work of finding the best carrier and the most affordable price for you. As an independent insurance agency, we work for you, the customer not for any one insurance company. 

Why You May Need More Than The Basics

In Ohio, basic auto insurance is 25/50/25. This is liability coverage that protects the other driver and passengers in an accident where you are the responsible party. It provides $25,000 in personal injury coverage for one person injured and a total of $50,000 for all the injuries in an accident with another $25,000 for property damage. This is the only coverage a basic policy provides. It allows nothing for your vehicle. 

If you have an auto loan or are leasing a vehicle, this coverage will not be acceptable. You will need to protect the vehicle. This requires collision and comprehensive coverage. 

Collision coverage is what it sounds like, the coverage that pays for repairs that are the result of a collision. It can be with another vehicle or just your vehicle and a stationary object or a hot and run. 

Comprehensive coverage is a different matter. It is damage that results from things other than a collision. It can be a large animal like a dear, it can be that your vehicle is stolen or vandalized. Many weather events can damage your car and this is the insurance that will pay to repair it. 

If like most people, you depend on your vehicle, basic insurance just may not be the right thing to choose. 

Contact Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH when you want to have your auto insurance reviewed.

Auto Insurance Basics

You know that auto insurance is mandatory in Ohio, but what else do you know about car insurance. Car insurance can be a complicated topic, even to seasoned motorists. But don’t worry because Capretta Insurance Agency of Parma, OH is here to take you through car insurance basics.

Required car insurance in Ohio

Ohio’s law states that every motorist should purchase bodily injury and property damage liability when driving or parking in public places. Failure to carry the state-required auto coverages may lead to penalties and fines, including license suspension. Is it really worth it?

While purchasing the state minimums is superb, these coverages aren’t enough. At Capretta Insurance Agency, we usually advise our clients to consider other car insurance coverages for optimal protection.

Optional car insurance coverages

Looking for auto insurance in Ohio? Here are other auto insurance coverages you need to consider for optimal protection.

  • Collision coverage: This insurance policy pays you out when your car collides with another motorist or stationary object.
  • Comprehensive coverage: It protects you against physical damage from non-collision perils like theft, falling objects, fire, and natural disasters.
  • Medical Payments (MedPay): It pays for the medical costs for you and your passengers if involved in a car accident.
  • Roadside assistance: When your car breaks down away from home, this coverage provides services like towing, gas delivery, and puncture repair to get you to safety.
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist: If you are hit by a motorist carrying insufficient or no insurance, this coverage covers the damages. This route is much more convenient and time-saving than pursuing damages through lawsuits.

Ready to invest in car insurance in Parma OH? Would you mind getting in touch with Capretta Insurance Agency? Since we understand that our client’s demands aren’t the same, we offer personalized auto insurance coverage to suit different needs.

Which Auto Insurance Coverage is Mandatory in Parma, OH?

Insurance regulations vary in every state. In Ohio, The following mandates for auto insurance are in place:

  • Liability coverage for bodily injury: $25,000 per individual and $50,000 per accident
  • Liability coverage for property damage: $25,000 per accident

This means that it is required in the state of Ohio to carry liability insurance for your automobile for both bodily injury and property damage. Ohio is considered a "fault state." In the event of an accident, if you are at fault in an accident, you are required to contact your insurance company and your company will pay the damages.

This is why it is important also to call the police to get a police report, so that there is an objective party ruling on whose fault (if any) it was. That way someone cannot argue that it was your fault if the officer rules that it was the other party’s fault.

Once you have the minimum coverage, you may want to speak with a professional insurance agent about getting additional coverage.

Some of the other types of coverage you may need are:

  • Collision
  • Comprehensive
  • PIP (personal injury protection)

Capretta Insurance Agency of Parma, OH can explain what the benefits are for these types of coverage and visit with you about whether you may need to carry these on your car.

As long as you carry the minimums, you’re ok in Ohio. 

Don’t forget that, in additional carrying liability insurance,  you must also always keep a copy of your insurance card in your car glove compartment in case you are pulled over for any reason. Failure to do so can cost you fines and penalties.

Visit with Capretta Insurance Agency today if you’re in the Parma, OH area and learn more about the auto insurance that gives you peace of mind.