What is a home inventory and why do I need one?

As a homeowner, the last thing you want to think about is filing a claim with your home insurance company. Even if you don’t want to think about it, the reality is that 1 in 20 homeowners file a claim every year. That’s about 5% which means there is a pretty good chance that over the years of your homeownership, you will file a claim. Having a good insurance company on your side makes a big difference. At Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH we have been servicing local residents since 1985. We strive to treat our customers with fairness and respect. We work with each of our customers to provide a personal solution to their insurance needs 

An inventory can be a big help when you are filing an insurance claim, it is the proof you owned what you are claiming. Things move much faster and smoother through the claim process if you take the time now to create an inventory. 

Several options are available for creating an inventory. Whichever one you choose, make sure it is thorough. It can be as simple as using a pad and pen and going from room to room writing down the contents. Open drawers, cabinets, and closets. Bring along a camera and your cell phone to take pictures from a variety of angles. Go through your house top to bottom; don’t forget attics, basements, and garages. Add as much detail as possible especially when it comes to electronics, including brand, model, and serial number. 

When your inventory is complete, it is important to store it in a place where it will be safe no matter what happens to your home. A safe deposit box or in the cloud are both easy and affordable options. 

For all your home insurance needs contact Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH.