Whether You’re Single or Married, You Can Benefit from Life Insurance

Are you waiting to get married or start a family to purchase life insurance? You don’t have to! Life insurance offers something for everyone, including singles. Whether you’re single or married, you can benefit from what a life insurance policy from Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH has to offer.

Life Insurance Benefits

Financial Security

Financial security is one of the biggest benefits of life insurance. If you’re married and have a family, life insurance can replace your income to support your family if you were to suddenly pass on. The benefits from your policy can be used to meet daily needs, pay your monthly mortgage, feed, clothe, educate your children, and more. If you’re single, your benefits can be used to continue supporting aging parents or help younger siblings through college.


Life insurance benefits can be used to pay off private student loans that were co-signed by your parents or a mortgage taken out on a home. If you took out a loan to start a business with a friend, these benefits can be used to help cover your share of the loan after you’re gone, so the business can go on.

Funeral Expenses

If you’ve not made funeral arrangements in advance, life insurance benefits can help pay for these costs if you were to suddenly pass on. Your family wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of this expense on their own.


You can specify that your life insurance benefits be left as an inheritance to your spouse or a significant other or to be used for your children’s college to secure their future. You can have peace of mind knowing a loved one will be well cared for after you’re gone.

Schedule A Consultation Today!

To learn more about life insurance options and costs, contact Capretta Insurance Agency in Parma, OH.